Thank You to All of Our Generous Donors in 2023

Derek Forfang
Given in memory of KPAC member Dawn Goertz: "Dawn was such an important voice in our Kidney Patient Advisory Council family. She was passionate about improving dialysis care [and] at times downright angry, and rightfully so. We will work to carry forward all the good she started. She will be missed."

John Wagner, MD, MBA

Anonymous Board Members

Mary & Jim Baliker

Kelly Brooks, MPA
Given in memory of Forum/KPAC member Derek Forfang: "Derek was the kindest person. It was a privilege to get to know him and work with him. His passing leaves a void that cannot be adequately filled. He will be missed!"

Andy Howard, MD
Given in memory of Forum/KPAC member Derek Forfang: "I was privileged to be with Derek during the creation of the KPAC. His legacy and memory will inspire all of the members of the Forum."

Diane Carlson
Given in memory of Forum/KPAC member Derek Forfang: "It was an honor and and inspiration to work with Derek who helped and encouraged so many people!"

Don Molony, MD
Given in memory of Forum/KPAC member Derek Forfang: " To honor the legacy of an extraordinary person. Derek was a compassionate advocate for persons with kidney disease and did so with integrity, compassion, and extraordinary energy. He will be greatly missed."


The National Forum of ESRD Networks, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization #13-3246354. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services will be provided by the Forum in return or consideration for this contribution. Donations can also be mailed to the Forum Office at PO Box 70623, Henrico, VA 23255.

Donate now

What's new on the Forum website?

KPAC Develops Vaccination Poster

The Forum's Kidney Patient Advisory Council recently released a poster promoting vaccination among dialysis and transplant patients.

Read more here.

MAC Releases Updated Home Dialysis Toolkit

This toolkit for health providers and practitioners is a reference tool that gives information about overcoming barriers to starting or growing a home dialysis program.

NEW: Home Dialysis Toolkit [2023]

Updated to include:

  • New sections to address AAKH and CfC updates
  • Emergency management of home dialysis patients
  • Impact of ESCOs, ETC Model, Voluntary Models on home therapies
  • Enhanced modality education: transitional care and self care
  • Emerging Technology and the impact and benefits to home therapies
  • Addressing Disparities and Access to Care
  • Home therapy options in the LTC/nursing home setting
  • KPAC Section: Empowering patients and care partners to be successful at home

Read the press release here.

Latest Forum Matters Now Available

The latest Forum Matters Newsletter is now available on the website!

Review current and past issues of Forum Matters here.

MAC Updates Transitions of Care Toolkit

This Toolkit for health providers and practitioners is a reference tool that gives information about challenges in transitions of care and suggestions to help create solutions.

MAC Transitions of Care Toolkit (March 2022)

COVID-19 Vaccination Flyer for Dialysis Patients

Please share this flyer with your dialysis patients

Resources & Links for Kidney Patients

Learn about the New Transplant Toolkit for Patients

This 12-minute video provides an overview of the Toolkit

Is A Kidney Transplant Right for Me?

Project Makefile